Ancient Tomb Discovered in Egypt
Archaeologists make one of the biggest discoveries since 1922, when King Tut’s tomb was uncovered
Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt – by accident! A U.S.-based team has uncovered an ancient tomb containing five sarcophagi with mummies. The tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings outside Luxor, Egypt. This is the first tomb uncovered in the area since King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922.
A team of archaeologists from the University of Memphis was actually working on the nearby site of a 19th Dynasty pharaoh when it made the discovery. Archaeologists found the remains of the huts of men who had worked on the tomb and a shaft leading to the tomb.
"It was a wonderful thing," said Edwin Brock, of the team that discovered the tomb. "It was just so amazing to find an intact tomb here after all the work that's been done before. This was totally unexpected."
Inside the Ancient Tomb
The tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. A narrow shaft leads down another 16 feet to the tomb door, which is made of stone blocks. The tomb is thought to be about 3,000 years old. Archaeologists say it dates to the 18th Dynasty. They say it is the most important discovery of its kind in more than eighty years!
Inside the tomb are five sarcophagi with mummies. One sarcophagus has fallen and another is partly open, showing the brown cloth that covers the mummy inside. The sarcophagi have colorful funeral masks.
Researchers say the tomb is relatively bare and undecorated. The tomb’s appearance has led researchers to believe that it does not belong to a pharaoh. They say it was probably built for people connected to the royal family.
"It’s somebody who had the favor of the king because not everybody could come and make their tomb in the Valley of the Kings," said Otto Schaden, who led the U.S. team.
What's Next?
After archaeologists finish clearing debris from the shaft, they can search the tomb for hieroglyphs that identify those buried inside. The goal is to remove the sarcophagi before the weather gets too hot to work in the desert, Schaden said. High temperatures usually begin in May and mark the end of the digging season for archaeologists.
By Jill Egan
A view inside the newly-discovered tomb. |
Archaeologists are still discovering new things in the tomb, like the artifacts pictured here. |
After reading the article, "pull-out" 1 fact, create 2 questions you have about the topic and write a personal response (5-7 sentences) about the topic/article (After reading the article, how do you feel about this topic?).
I found out that they found an Egypt tomb. The king tomb was uncovered. Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovering in 1922.the tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. /Archaeologists say it dates to the 18th Dynasty.
Why are they looking for it? Can archaeologist find any thing? Why do they find thing. Why do they do it?
The text said A team of archaeologists from the University of Memphis was actually working on the nearby site of a 19th Dynasty pharaoh when it made the discovery. Archaeologists found the remains of the huts of men who had worked on the tomb and a shaft leading to the tomb.
After archaeologists finish clearing debris from the shaft, they can search the tomb for hieroglyphs that identify those buried inside. The goal is to remove the sarcophagi before the weather gets too hot to work in the desert, Schaden said. High temperatures usually begin in May and mark the end of the digging season for archaeologists.
Inside the tomb are five sarcophagi with mummies. One sarcophagus has fallen and another is partly open, showing the brown cloth that covers the mummy inside. The sarcophagi have colorful funeral masks. Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt – by accident! A U.S.-based team has uncovered The tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings outside Luxor, Egypt. an ancient tomb containing five sarcophagi with mummies.
"It’s somebody who had the favor of the king because not everybody could come and make their tomb in the Valley of the Kings," said Otto Schaden, who led the U.S. team.
I think that from reading the text the archaeologists. Play a big part in the text
Fact # 1: Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt
Fact #2: The tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings outside Luxor, Egypt
Fact #3: Researchers say the tomb is relatively bare and undecorated.
Question # 1: How many mummies did they find.
Question #2: What else did they find besides mummies and artifacts.
I think this article was fun to read. I really enjoy learning about Egypt and its culture. I think this project will be fun because I love learning about Egypt. This article has many facts and information in it. Egypt is a really cool place to learn about.
A team of archaeologist found a tomb
that was ancient. it had five sacroppagi with mummies witch was important because there was no tombs found in that area since king Tutankhamuns. The tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit found to be 3,000 years old. Did the people that found the tomb rewarded?
Did they find anything else? How many researchers helped discover this tomb.
Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt – by accident! A U.S.-based team has uncovered an ancient tomb containing five sarcophagi with mummies.
The tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. A narrow shaft leads down another 16 feet to the tomb door, which is made of stone blocks. The tomb is thought to be about 3,000 years old.
After archaeologists finish clearing debris from the shaft, they can search the tomb for hieroglyphs that identify those buried inside.
1. Who made the accident mummies, where do they come from?
2. In what year did they start buring mummies and they becoming ancient?
3. How do archegologist find the places where the mummies was buried hundreds of years ago?
Here are three facts that I discovered and three questions I want to know from reading this article. 3 facts I found out after reading the article;
1.I found out that the first tomb uncovered in the area since King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922.
2. I found out that the tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. A narrow shaft leads down another 16 feet to the tomb door, which is made of stone blocks. The tomb is thought to be about 3,000 years old. Archaeologists say it dates to the 18th Dynasty.
3.The tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings outside Luxor, Egypt
After reading the article I have 3 questions to ask.
1. What kings made the tombs?
2.Is a tomb like a coffin?
3. Why did they put dead people in a tomb?
1. How is he just found and he died in ancient times?
2.Could he have any family members still in Egypt that are alive?
3. How did the archeologist seem to know where he was resting?
4.”maybe if king tucks tomb had not been decorated maybe nobody had liked him much”
5.”archeologist may have gotten them selves in drama”
6.”if the tomb gets stolen by others they may accuse the archeologist”
A fact i found in the text was "when the Archaeologists made the discovery of King Tut's tomb it was big in Egypt". My question to that is how do they know for sure if that tomb belongs to the King? Another fact I found in the text was "when the tomb was uncovered an ancient tomb containing five sarcophagi with mummies". My question to that is to how big is the tomb if that many species is in one tomb? The final fact that I found in the text is "The tomb is thought to be about 3,000 years old". My question to that is if the Archaeologists knew that it had to be from the people who knew the King and others and who survived.
6 Facts: The archaeologists that made the discovery said that they discovered the tomb by accident. The U.S. based team has uncovered an ancient tomb containing five sarcophagi with mummies. : The tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. A narrow shaft leads down another 16 feet to the tomb door, which is made of stone blocks. : The tomb’s appearance has led researchers to believe that it does not belong to a pharaoh. They say it was probably built for people connected to the royal family. : This is the first tomb uncovered in the area since King Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered in 1922.
Questions: How do you find a tomb that is in a 33-foot deep pit? Why is it the only tomb discovered since the King’s in 1922? What are sarcophagi? This article was very interesting because of how the found mummies in the tombs and how they can find out that the appearance of the tomb can lead them into finding out what the tomb was years ago. I don’t get how people like us read hieroglyphs that were from a long time ago do they use technology? It’s freaky how in the tomb there is one coffin that’s open and shoes the brown cloth they use to cover the mummy in it.
Response to article
What I know it is true in this article are mummies. Another facts that are true in this article are that inside the tomb are five sarcophagi with mummies. I wonder how high does the temperature gets. The tomb was found he tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. I wonder how do they know where to dig. I also want to know how many mummies they found. Where do these mummies and things come from. Do they get exited when they find some thing really old?
1) When the people was discovered stuff at Egypt.
2) Archaeologists say that they made the biggest discovery.
3) People they discover since 1922.
4) Archaeologists found the remains of the huts of men who had worked on the tomb and a shaft leading to the tomb.
1) Why they have to search since 1922?
2) Are the Archaeologists tired of digging?
3) Why the Archaeologists have to do this?
4) Do the Archaeologists die when this happen?
5) Is the Archaeologists is famous and have a lot of money doing this search?
I think that they are rich because you search that long so you do. I really want to be one but I be some thing else. So they studied hard and well. They have to be tired from doing that.
1.the mummies where buried under the tomb.
2.the tomb was in there for 3,000 years old they discovery for 18 years.
3.the mummies had colorful mask.
4 the tomb was built for royal people.
5.the tomb was discovery in 1922.
6.the tomb was found 33-foot deep
My questions is how they found the tomb if the tomb was 33-foot deep.
1. archaeologists discovered something new.
2. The tomb was found outside Luxor, Egypt.
1. How old was King Tut when he died?
2. Did the people like the King?
Response:i liked abut it that is so
important because it was 33-foot
and the people that made it dead to
1. How long did it take to find the newest tomb?
2. What did you use to big 33-foot pit to get to the tomb?
3. How many people help to find the tomb?
1. “ In the tomb are 5 sarcophagi with mummies”.
2. “ After the archaeologists clean the tomb the can search it”.
3. “ A narrow shaft leads down another 16-feet”.
1)archeologist of the university of Memphis was actually working nearby site of the 19th dynasty pharaoh when it made the discovery.2) The tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit.3) It was the most important discovery of its kind in more than eighty years!.1)I am wondering how did people from that time find all of this info.2) What time and were did all of Egypt,archeologists,and lots of more how far did this go back.3) The goal is to remove the sarcophagi before the water gets to hot to work the desert.
My only fact is, archaeologist made a huge discovery in Egypt by an accident. My questions is why did they find the huge discovery by accident? What made them find this?
why are they discovering this? What made them go there? Was this the only thing they found? Have they ever found anything in the past? Who else knows about this? My sentences about the story is, this must be the rare thing that they ever found.
Fast #1.Men had to work,
Fast #2.16 feet to the tomb to the door,
Fast #3.The valley of the kings out side,
Fast #4.The area since site of a 19th dynasty pharaoh when it made the discovered,
Question #1. Why do the men have to work?
Question #2. Why were the people in the king favor ?
Question #3. Why did they side that important
discovered of it kind in the more then eighty years inside?
My only fact is, archaeologist made a huge discovery in Egypt by an accident. My questions is why did the archaeologist find the huge discovery by accident? What made the archeaologist find this?
why are the archaeologist discovering this? What made the archaeologist there? Was this the only thing the archaeologist found? Have the archaeologist ever found anything in the past? My sentences about the story is, this must be the rare thing that the archaeologist ever found.
Here are three facts that I discovered and three questions I want to know from reading this article. 3 facts I found out after reading the article;
1.I found out that the first tomb uncovered in the area since King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922.
2. I found out that the tomb was found at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. A narrow shaft leads down another 16 feet to the tomb door, which is made of stone blocks. The tomb is thought to be about 3,000 years old. Archaeologists say it dates to the 18th Dynasty.
3.The tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings outside Luxor, Egypt
After reading the article I have 3 questions to ask.
1. What kings made the tombs?
2.Is a tomb like a coffin?
3. Why did they put dead people in a tomb?
This article gave me a little summary of what we are going to be learning about this quater. This is a also great article because Ive never been to Egypt.
Shanara Mosley
A fact that I found in this article was that the archaeologist found the tomb in a valley of the kings outside Luxor in Egypt this is important because it is where the archaeologist found the tomb. The 2 questions I really have for this article is what was the archaeologist really looking for? And Why was they looking for whatever they was looking for. I think it was kind of cool that the archaeologist found king Tut's tomb. I also noticed that one of the questions I asked was answered and the tomb that was found was very deep in the ground . The tomb must have been very big because five mummies were in it I also think it was nasty that one of the mummies were open even though there was nothing but bone.
On thing that I have a question for is the fact that they will make king tut’s tomb so hard to find. I will never do any thing like that because I may forget some thing is at and try to go back and try to find it and I am like man I forgot where I put the tomb at. They said that the people who found the tomb were students at university of Memphis that’s means that they were so very smart. Why would they even put the tombs underground because he animal will get to them. Why do people try to dig up the past its is not that fun trust me I tried I before
On thing that I have a question for is the fact that they will make king tut’s tomb so hard to find. I will never do any thing like that because I may forget some thing is at and try to go back and try to find it and I am like man I forgot where I put the tomb at. They said that the people who found the tomb were students at university of Memphis that’s means that they were so very smart. Why would they even put the tombs underground because he animal will get to them. Why do people try to dig up the past its is not that fun trust me I tried I before
On thing that I have a question for is the fact that they will make king tut’s tomb so hard to find. I will never do any thing like that because I may forget some thing is at and try to go back and try to find it and I am like man I forgot where I put the tomb at. They said that the people who found the tomb were students at university of Memphis that’s means that they were so very smart. Why would they even put the tombs underground because he animal will get to them. Why do people try to dig up the past its is not that fun trust me I tried I before
One fact from the article is the USA based team were searching for a pharaoh when they accidentally discovered 5 sarcophagi.
If you touch the mummies will they turn to dust?
Are the mummies that the USA based team discovered in a museum or back where they were found?
I like it because I learned something new things. I learned that this was that biggest discovery since King Tut.
A fact that I read was that an ancient Tomb was discovered, archaeologist found a Tomb that was 33 feet deep in the sand. They say it is 3,000 years old and it dates to the 18th dynasty.
-How did the Tomb end up 33 feet under ground?
-Could the archaeologist have forgot the Tomb and just passed it?
Ivana Vazquez
One fact that is in this article is that The team that found the tomb was originally working on the 19th Dynasty pharaoh. They found The tomb at the bottom of a 33-foot deep pit. The ancient tomb is almost 3,000 years old. I find it interesting that they were actually working on something else. I wonder how they would find something that large and ancient. I'm also curious as to how something that is over 3,000 years old can still be that well in shape, because things that have been left in heat for a month have been known to brake down.
Treyvon Rogers
I think that king tut’s tomb was buried about 4000 or 3000 years ago. I want to know how did they find a tomb on accident. I also want to know why they dig up to 33 feet. I think that the article is good because I know that the really wouldn’t tell us everything on how the found the tomb. The title was little bit unbelievable because why would the put it on the world news when it was found in Massachusetts.
I don’t really know about the tomb though. Was the body kind of wrapped in toilet paper or something? I want to know so much about this article.
Archaeologists found the remains of the huts of men who had worked on the tomb and a shaft leading to the tomb. I wonder, what is a shaft, and who were the men who worked on the tomb and the shaft leading to the tomb?
Evidance shows that the archeaologists found the tomb by acidant. My only question is were exacly in the valy of kings is the tomb?
One fact that I found is the sarcophagi have colorful funeral masks.
Were there any more tombs where they found the one by accident?
Will there be others? What I feel about this article is that we can learn more about tomb mummies and.
Shanara Mosley
A fact that I found in this article was that the archaeologist found the tomb in a valley of the kings outside Luxor in Egypt this is important because it is where the archaeologist found the tomb. The 2 questions I really have for this article is what was the archaeologist really looking for? Why was archaeologist looking for the artifacts they was looking for. I think it was kind of cool that the archaeologist found king Tut’s tomb. I also noticed that one of the questions I asked was answered and the tomb that was found was very deep in the ground . The tomb must have been very big because five mummies were in it I also think it was nasty that one of the mummies were open even though there was nothing but bone.
“Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt – by accident!”
What was the mistake?
What was the discovery ?
This article is was very interesting. The reason I think it was interesting is because, I want to become a archaeologist, and this was kind of a game. It was very sneaky and it was entertaining. The archaeologists had discovered something by accident. They learned information about over 3,000 years ago. This article had me anxious to read more, it kept me thinking about how they travel everywhere and they get so much information and they also get extra as well. I liked this article a lot , not just because of the archaeologists, because of the information they got ,and all the adventures they had.
Aramis Pena
A fact from this article is that they found a tomb that was 33-foot deep and needed to go another 16-feet to get to the door. A question I have is who discovered the tomb. Another question is did this man/women get paid for this discovery.
Aramis Pena
A fact from this article is that they found a tomb that was 33-foot deep and needed to go another 16-feet to get to the door. A question I have is who discovered the tomb. Another question is did this man/women get paid for this discovery.
JaToya Brown
One fact I have about the article is when it says “Archaeologists found the remains of the huts of men who had worked on the tomb and a shaft leading to the tomb.
My first question is was you suppose to find a different artifact? My second question is why do you think the shaft was next to the tomb.
My personal response about the article is that the archaeologist was trying to find a different artifact.
I know that this was the first discovery since the discovery of King Tut’s tomb in 1922.
Two questions I have are;
1. How did they get a chance to fined the discovery?
2. Was The discovery good to sell and get made money?
The tomb was about 3000 years old that’s a long time no one could live that long. I think the tur’s tomb buried to about 4000 to 3000 years ago.
Who made the accident
what did they find besides the mummies
Mariana Ayala
In the article it said that a team of archaeologist was actually working on the nearby site of a 19th dynasty pharaoh when it made the discovery. Another fact I learned is that Edwin Brock of the team said “it was a wonderful thing’’ and he was the one who made the discovery. A question I have about the article is what ells did they archaeologist find besides the mummies? Another question I have about the article is how many archaeologist where there. What I feel about the article is that it is really cool that they found mummies.
melissa rodriguez
Archaeologists say they've made a huge discovery in Egypt – by accident!
1)who discovered it?
2)how did they discover it by accident?
What I feel excited about this topic cause I learned this in 4th grade and it was fun. I can not wait to start project because i know how to do holographic.
One question I would like to know is there any more mummies that they have not found yet. And my 2 question is that how are mummies made and how did they turn into a creature called a mummies. And a fact that I found out the article that I found out about that I never knew before. Is that the people been making the biggest discovery since 1922 and . I just found out that something knew which is that there where mummies found in the tumb
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