Obama's Big Trip
The President meets with world leaders in Europe to discuss the economic crisis and other global issues
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama crossed the Atlantic this week, arriving in London, England, on Tuesday. The city is the first stop on the couple's eight-day tour across Europe. This is Obama's first major trip abroad since taking office in January.
MANDEL NGAN—AFP/GETTY IMAGES President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visit with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife, Sarah Brown, in London, England. |
Over the next week, the President plans to attend conferences in five countries. He will also meet with other heads of state to address key world issues including the war in Afghanistan, climate change and the global economic crisis. Obama hopes the trip will help strengthen U.S. alliances.
Working TogetherOn Thursday, the President will join other world leaders in London at the Group of Twenty, or G-20, economic summit. The conference brings together leaders from 20 wealthy and developing nations and the European Union. They meet each year to address challenges that affect the global economy.
The current financial crisis makes this year's meeting especially important. Nations across the globe are struggling with recession. Unemployment is on the rise. During the summit, G-20 leaders will form a plan to restore economic growth. They will also talk about how to prevent future economic slumps.
SAUL LOEB—AFP/GETTY IMAGES Obama meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao on the eve of the G-20 summit. |
Finding a solution won't be easy. There are widely differing views on how to best get the global economy back on track. President Obama vowed to take in all sides of the debate. "The president and America are going to listen in London as well as to lead," says White House spokesman Robert Gibbs.
City officials in London are working overtime to keep the city running smoothly during the high profile summit. Large gatherings of protesters are packing the streets of downtown London.
A Jam-Packed ScheduleWhile in London, Obama met individually with world leaders including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. On Wednesday, the President and First Lady visited Buckingham Palace for tea with Queen Elizabeth II.
Later this week, Obama will travel to France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Turkey, his first stop in a Muslim nation. While there, the President plans to host a round-table session with students in Istanbul.
Choose two of President Obama's agenda items (topics that he is trying to bring about change) and give your opinion on what should be done to fix these areas and why they are important to you and your family.
I think the reason Obama is going around checking with the leaders is because he wants to know how things are going in each countries and make sure all kids are in school getting there education and the reason why he is doing that because he wants everyone to have an education because he doesn't want them to be on the streets and being gang bangers he wants everyone to do something with there life like he did so he is going to check every country there is in the world and if there is a problem he is gonna fit it thats why he became president and he is gonna do his job.
The two agenda’s I pick are economic crisis and trying to stop the war in Iraq. The first thing I am going to do is is make sure banks around the country don’t go bankrupt. Second is I will make sure peoples money is safe. Third is that I will make sure that I will send them to war when they are needed to defend our country. Fourth is that the will have all the gear they need if the have to go.
My choices are the Economy and Education. I choose these because I think they are a really important matter of the USA. People don’t have jobs cause of the Economy. Some students are doing bad on test because they don’t get that much Education because there’s no money to buy books and stuff needed to teach the students. Some students don’t even have money for uniform because the Economy. Many kids don’t even have dinner at night. Well that is why I think the Economy and Education are a very important matter of the USA.
1 of Obama’s agenda is the economy. If I were president then I would try to fix it by shutting down all the stores that aren’t doing well and sell the space to a company that is doing well. Also I would buy a lot of stores that are doing good and sell it to big company’s that are doing great. Something else I would fix is the street. I would get rid of potholes because there annoying and nobody likes them. I would fix them also because they are a safety hazard. Someone could fly in the air if they were in a car with no hood and then bump their head on the pavement and get ran over by cars and go to the hospital. These are 2 things I would fix in the U.S.A if I were Barack Obama.
The two things from Obama's agenda that I chose were the economy and the war in Iraq. I think that work should be done. We should make a peace treaty with Iraq. Also, have other countries endorse our country. These things are important to my family and me. They are important to us because the economy is weak, and my family still has to pay bills, and buy things to provide. The war is important to my family because really quickly any one of us can be thrown into the army. Then they can get seriously injured.
Keyandra Roberson April 3rd, 2009
The two things I pick from Obama’s agenda is that he wants to address the key world issues including the war in Afghanistan and the global economic crisis. What I would do to make the economy better is that I would have a meeting with all the head leaders. Then during the meetings I would discuss how would we all change the economy and I would come to an agreement. To change the war that’s a big process. To make the war stop I would have to do a lot of thing. I would have to go through meetings and conferencing. I would do anything to stop it though.
The two things I pick off his packed agenda are the economy crisis and global warming.
My opinion on these two things are that him taking a trip to turkey means that he is going to find out that most Muslim countries use and produce a lot of oil. So that could be one of the two things causing global warming and economy crisis because America runs low on gas and oil so we take from other contries.also with alot of people getting laid off there jobs so people are losing taxes to the state which if the stimulus package passes more people will get rehired.
President obama’s agenda
I think that the g-20 leaders’ restoring the economic growth is fabulous.
I think that because if they do that the will be more houses to live in
And many more things. Also there will be more food and the people can
Buy more food. Next is that that way we can buy more things that we
Need such as toothpaste, bathroom materials, and many more things
We need in our lives and in the world. And that’s what I thin about the
G-20 leaders restoring our economic growth.
I think that the trip that barrack obama is traveling is going to be good. I
Think that because he is a very nice man and he is going to see many smiles while
In his trip. Also because while I that trip he might take some advice fro the
Other presidents around the world. Next is because the if he learns something
From over the world he might share it with us. And that’s what I think about
Barrack obama’s trip.
The two things I pick off his packed agenda are the economy crisis and global warming.
My opinion on these two things are that him taking a trip to turkey means that he is going to find out that most Muslim countries use and produce a lot of oil. So that could be one of the two things causing global warming and economy crisis because America runs low on gas and oil so we take from other contries.also with alot of people getting laid off there jobs so people are losing taxes to the state which if the stimulus package passes more people will get rehired.
Two of President Barack Obama’s topic agendas that I have picked where. One of them was how Unemployment is on the rise. And also climate changes which mean (global warming). My opinion on the first topic agenda, which is Unemployment, which is a very important issue. I believe that everyone should be employed. Whether immigrant or American they should al have the right to get a job. Because they might have a family or they could be so broke they don’t even have a house. And the second topic agenda is climate change. I think they talk about it too much but I do think it’s important. I think it’s important to the animals the most because for some of them the ice or the sky or what ever is there home. It used to be comfortable but now its getting to hot. And also its important to use because (even thought they say it a lot) the water height Is getting to tall and we don’t want to drown or at least I don’t.
I think the reason obama is going around the world is because he wants to learn more. He wants to learn more about the countries and how they react. The 2 topics I chose is current financial crisis. I chose that because it’s about Iraq and the war. Then I will send them to war. They can have a great education. They can learn all about how to be in a war and how to fight in a war. Then if you don’t have a great education then how can u fight in war. I think that you should go to school and get a great education so that if you want to fight in a war then go to school and you should never give up.
Here are the two choices I picked from Obama’s agenda. One of them is that President Obama is going to meet with other heads of state to discuss the key world problems including the war in Afghanistan. So he can try to help the global economic crisis. The president hopes that the trips to those countries help the United States strengthen our alliances. I picked this choice because I thought that it was good that Obama is also helping other parts of the united states and not only the north part of the united states. The last choice that I picked was about the G-20 meeting. I thought this was important because to me is good that they meet and discuss about the economic crisis we are having.
I chose three agendas unemployment, global economy and education. If I was the president or he asks for my advice for Unemployment I would tell him to have a talent show. Tell all the people who don’t have jobs to go to the talent show and tell and show him what there good. Then they might be able to work at something there good at. Also if he asks me about global economy I would tell him to have a fun raiser to raise money. Then if it worked I would tell him to have one every year. Also I would tell him to have a cookout for money every year also then if he keeps doing this we might get a lot of money. Also if he ask me about education I would tell him to go to school and have a speech telling kids to stay in school and tell them how good it is and how they can end-up like you. Those were three things I will tell obama if he ask me for my advice.
I would pick economy because therss a lot of things happening and especially in Iraq because the things down there is not that good. Also I would pick economy because
The gasoline is going really bad and Obama is fixibg it a little bit fixing it a little bit. But also because theirs not that much people getting paid when the go to work. And you need money, Banks CANNOTT go back rapt that’s what people are saying. So what I would pick is the economy.
I would pick economy because therss a lot of things happening and especially in Iraq because the things down there is not that good. Also I would pick economy because
The gasoline is going really bad and Obama is fixibg it a little bit fixing it a little bit. But also because theirs not that much people getting paid when the go to work. And you need money, Banks CANNOTT go back rapt that’s what people are saying. So what I would pick is the economy.
I would pick economy because therss a lot of things happening and especially in Iraq because the things down there is not that good. Also I would pick economy because
The gasoline is going really bad and Obama is fixibg it a little bit fixing it a little bit. But also because theirs not that much people getting paid when the go to work. And you need money, Banks CANNOTT go back rapt that’s what people are saying. So what I would pick is the economy.
My choice is Education and Economy. I pick chose these two because those are the most important in life. Education is important because if you’re not smart how are you going to keep on going in life because everything you learn in school you can use it in stores job inter views and a lot of other things. If you learn how to read u learn a lot of other things because there is newspaper to read and know what’s going on. If u know math you won’t get tricked in the stores when u go shopping. Some people don’t have job because of the Economy. Also some student doesn’t even have money for uniform, and some schools don’t have enough money to buy books for every student has one of their own. Well that is why I think the Economy and Education are a very important to USA.
The president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama crossed the Atlantic this week, arriving in London, England, on Tuesday. One of Obama’s agenda is to attend conferences in five countries. I think that this is a really good, because he is new like president so I think that is going to be good if he visit another places and meet with other people, so that he could ask questions that he have about how to help the U.S.A and maybe to shear what he’s plains are with other people to see what do they think about it. The second thing that he has in he’s agenda is also meet with other heads of state to address key world issues including the war in Afghanistan, climate change and the global economic crisis. I think that this is another good idea, because this will help him answer a lot of questions that maybe he have to him self. This will also help him get his ideas together.
I think that president Obama and his wife Michelle went to London, England because he a can have fed back from other from other president so that he can become a better president .The two things I pick from president Obama’s agenda is global warming address of the key world issues because I think people should talk about global warming and address of the key world issues.
I think that president Obama and his wife Michelle went to London, England because he a can have fed back from other from other president so that he can become a better president .The two things I pick from president Obama’s agenda is global warming address of the key world issues because I think people should talk about global warming and address of the key world issues.
Things that he is trying to change
• The economy
• Make the world a better place for peace
I think that President Obama should fix roads that could help my family, the world and me because if the roads are smooth then that can probably prevent car accidents and people can be safer. I also think that he should stop cutting off schools because if he cuts off this school then I won’t have an education and the teachers won’t have jobs and won’t be able to get paid.
One of Obama”s first agenda items was to join conferences in five countries to address key world issues like the war that’s in Afghanistan, the climate change, or the global economic crisis.
The second agenda is that on Thursday he’s going to join other world leaders in London at the group of twenty , or g-20,economic summit.
1. One of president obama’s agenda items was to attend conferences in five countries
And he’ll join other world leaders in London at the Group of Twenty,
2. The next item on his agenda would be they would also talk about how to prevent future economic slumps.
He will also travel to France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Turkey, his first stop in a Muslim nation.
I think if I where president obama I would focus on the economic crisis because it is one of the biggest problems in the United States .our economy is minimum in common classes. I would also join other world leaders in London to get there advice because I am a word leader but they have experience more so their advice would be good for solving problems.
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