Greek myths and legends have been told for thousands of years, and they have survived the ages because they offer much to the reader/viewer/listener ~ entertainment, insight into human nature, and lessons about morality and justice. Myths may appear simple, but they are somewhat like an onion. They have many layers of meaning.
- Choose one of the myths that you’ve just learned about and write your thoughts about what you believe the meaning is of that particular myth.
I think the myth is trying to give a message. For example like dont leave things where people can see it. Because sometimes that person might not want to touch it but they just cant resist and they have to do it. I think this is just a lesson, a very good lesson
I think Pandora's Box means that don't touch something thats not yours or you can get hurt like Pandora and her husband almost did.They were lucky Hope was there or they would have died.
Catherine Ashley
Pandoras box
I think the meaning of the the myth is if someone tells you not to do something dont do it. From the video, you can tell that it can cause some trouble.
Keyandra Roberson
Pandoras Box
I think the myth is tying to give a message. I think the message is saying that when something is around that don't belong to you don't touch it.I think it is also trying to say if you see something that is not yours ask before you touch.
I think that the myth Pandora’s box because it’s realy good and I think that you shouldn’t go in someone else’s stuff. Then I don’t belie it because I don’t think that fairies are real and I do like it because it tells a lesson to not pen box even if u wanted to.
I think that this myth is trying to show that for every problem there is a solution.
I think that it also have to do with what people tell u to do, because is the woman never opened that box that never would had happened! I also think that every little story have its happy ending. In there the problem was when Pandora’s opened the box and those bud little criers came out. The solution was that hope was there and helps them!
I think the myth is one of those stories that teach people a lesson.
Like when the man who helped the old lady that needed help and when he help her she gave her words that she said she was going to do.
The meaning that I think goes with the first myth is mind your own business. The reason I say this that if the princess would have never been nosey the son of the architecture would have been alive with the father. And also the father would have also would have been alive .so that what I think the meaning is mind your own business.
The myth that I chose was pandors box I like this myth because it thought me to listen and do not touch anything that is not yours because it might get you in to turble or something bad might happen liked it a lot because it thought me a lot.dont touch things that are not yours.
The myth that I chose was Pandora’s box I like this myth because it taught me to listen. An do not touch anything that is not yours because, it might get you in to trouble or something bad might happen. I Liked Pandora’s box a lot because it thought me a lot about how you do what you are told, and don’t touch any thing that is not yours.
I think the myth is telling us not to tough stuff that is not yours. Because bad things can happen. For example like the story he promise not to open the bx and tell who gave it to him. The thing that ended up happening he meet a girl and told her he will not open it and one he was outside sad and the girl was in his house trying to open the box and he came in the house and say her about to open the box and he didn't do nothing but watch because he wanted to see what was in the box too and bad things happened all these bad bats messed
up there world but one little women named hope came and said she would make every thing better and she did but the bats made a storm of rain and turned all the kids old but she saved there life. This is a great lesson.
I choose Jason and the Golden Fleece because the princess wants to help him so that he won’t get killed. So he did everything that the princess told him to do and he didn’t die. My thoughts are that they were happy because everything that they did Jason didn’t die and he got the Golden Fleece and he got the crown to.
The myth I choose is Jason and the Fleece and I think the meaning of the myth is determination and bravery because after Jason’s teachings he went to reclaim his kingdom but when he reached it he was sent on a difficult a journey with dangerous task and he was brave enough to face them because he was determine to get his kingdom back.
One of the myths I’m going to talk about is Pandora’s box. I think it means NOT to touch or open things that don’t belong to you. Because something can happen, like something might break. But, in this case, Pandora should of NEVER open the box because then bad things would of never happen.
The first video I watched I learned lots about it. What I think the meaning of the video is not to run away or listen to your elders. I saw that because when I watched the video it talked about this little princess and she fell in love with this man and the king was waiting for the peasant death. So then they thought about killing the monstrous beast with this magic string and it unraveled till it got to the center with the beast. Then he pulled of the beast’s horn and through it at the beast’s neck and the beast died. Then the peasant and the king daughter lived happily ever after while the boys father cried about his son when he died. And that’s my favorite myth out of all the myths of the 3 stories.
1. Choose one of the myths that you’ve just learned about and write your thoughts about what you believe the meaning is of that particular myth.
I pick the first video because I learned a lot about the video. I think that the meaning of the video has 2 do with running away because the princess fell in love with this boy and the king didn’t like it so he locked him up so him and his son made a bow and arrow so that the birds can fall and they can use the feather to get away
The Myth that I choose was Pandora’s box. Well my first thought of the story was to tell the Greek Myth. Of the way the earth used to be like in. Adam & Eve in the bible. But when I listened to the rest of the story and thought. That the story might actually be about how evil and all the rest of the bad things came to be into the world .And that hope was a creature who made the evil’s of the world seem less horrible to bare.
Pandora’s box
I think that Pandora’s box is a very interesting myth! I think that because it gave me a very important meaning. This myth means to me that being curiosity is not good, because for you being like that it could happened a lot of thing, Good things, & bad thing. When you are very curiosity sometimes it could bring you problems because maybe you do things that you are not spouse to do only because you are curiosity. That’s why in Pandora’s box there was a problem because she was curiosity of knowing what was on the box, and she opened it and there was a problem because there were a lot of bad things that brought problems to her country. That’s why you need to learn not to be very curiosity because then you could have problems! Like people say “The curiosity killed the cat”.
The story that I am going to write about is Pandora’s box. To me there is an important meaning. The meaning to me is curiosity killed the cat. It is curiosity killed thee cat because as soon as she met the boy of her dreams everything changed her life. But as soon as they met each other he let her in to his house. And as soon as that happened she saw the box and wanted to know what was in it and day after day she got even more curious. And when her boyfriend was out side she decided to look in the box and it ended up being evil spirits. That is why being curious can get you in to a lot of trouble.
The myth I choose was Pandora’s box. I learned that a girl named Pandora who opened a box the she was curious about and let out evil. I think it means leave things you know nothing about. I also think it means you should leave things the way you found them.
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