Greek myths and legends have been told for thousands of years, and they have survived the ages because they offer much to the reader/viewer/listener ~ entertainment, insight into human nature, and lessons about morality and justice. Myths may appear simple, but they are somewhat like an onion. They have many layers of meaning.
- Choose one of the myths that you’ve just learned about and write your thoughts about what you believe the meaning is of that particular myth.
There was once a girl named Aracni. Aracni a really good weaver and thought she was better the Althina. One day Aracni said something she wasnt supposed to and the goddess Althina heard her. the goddess was furious then she came down to earth and to talk with Aracni and she challenged Althia to a weaving contest even-though weaving was what Althia was known for. While weaving Aracni came over to see what Althia was working on only to see that Althia was secretly sending her symbolic message in the cloth, then Aracni started weaving her cloth, but when Althia came over to see what Arcni was working on she was as mad as she's ever been she had seen that Arcni was mocking her father Zeus by weaving a bad picture on the cloth. After that Althia knew she had to punish Aracni for her disrespect and she turned Aracni into a spider so she could weave for all eternity.
One myth that I just learned was Paris was voting who was the fairest god he had to choose the god of love, the god of wisdom, or Zeus wife. They were all beautiful to Paris. SO one of the gods try to bribe Paris to see who is the fairest god. But the god of love gave Paris the love of the beautiful women in the world. So the Paris called the god of love the fairest god of the world. The two other gods were mad at Paris.
Ikorice and Dedolice One myth that I have just read that I think has a wonderful lesson was the story about Dedolice and his son Ikorice.
I think the meaning of this particular myth was that, many people should listen to others opinions. Just as the sun told his father that it was not worth it the father paid no attention to his son. Since the father did listen to his son a bad tragedy came of the father he lost the one thing he loved his own son. I’m not going to get to far into the story but do you see the point I’m trying to make. Every ones opinion counts not just your own so take others opinions for granted.
The myth that I am going to talk about is Constellations. There were a couple of constellations that they talked about. Such as Arian, Big dipper, and the little dipper. It is amazing because I thought that the constellation Arian and the dippers were just stars put together. But I was definetly wrong. There was a meaning to all of them. And this is what they had to say.
Arian was a gifted hunter. He could kill any living animal in the forest. Then one day he found a girl in the forest that wanted to be a hunter. So Arian helped her. He helped her with her aiming, and how to save some arrows. But then when they went on a journey the girl’s brother didn’t like Arian so he did every possible thing to kill Arian. Then soon one day he summoned an enormous scorpion. Arian ran away from it, he ran into the ocean so the scorpion drowned but when he swam into the ocean the girl’s brother killed him using only one arrow. And every since that day the constellation Arian can be seen in the winter nights of the west, and the scorpion is able to be seen in the winter nights of the east.
The next constellation that I am going to talk about is the big dipper. The big dipper represents the mother. Zeus the best of Greek gods wife was jealous cause the mother was better then her. So one day she went out then Zeus’s wife transformed her into a bear. And she was walking in the forest when all of a sudden her son was going to kill her. Then Zeus came out the sky and told him this was his mother.
Then right when he said that he transformed into a bear also. And there lies the mother bear and the son bear in the night as a constellation called the big dipper and the little dipper.
That is how some of the constellations are formed and the story behind it. I think that the purpose of the myths is to teach us a lesson. And the lesson is to respect what people tell you and don’t disobey them. Because if you disobey them then bad things might occur.
In one of the Greek myths icrius. Icrius was very hubris and him and his father were imprisoned by a king because the king wanted the father’s craftsman talents to him self. When the father wanted to escape icrius said only if you can fly. The idea came to him and he had built to sets of wings made of candle wax and eagle feathers. When they tried them the father said not to go to high or the wax will melt and go to low the ocean will make the wings watery. They soared throw the sky to escape but the hubris of icrius made him want to see a better view from high above. The next thing you know the wax started to melt and icrius died and the father landed he took of the wings and swore to the gods to never use them again.
The myth that was to most good because the one with maduca and she was talking about how persus was going do save imethra because her mother was saying that she was the most not ugly person and she was talking about something of the god of water and she was going to say more bad things because she called herself more not uglier then the sea and he got angry and he was angry so he had a beast from the sea to harm people and the king had to give her daughter away to beast of the sea and the guy saved her and she made him come for dinner and the mother did not like him they asked him to send the grads after him and they all looked at maduca and the grads got truned into stone and also the parents and the parents got to look a maduca head and they got stoned and went into the stares and mother was always going to stay up side down and I liked that story because there was a lot of things that had to do every and people had to do so much action and people would talk about the girl is stuck to her chair and she is and she is hanging up side down and that’s what they talk about hate a person you would get to stone and also people would do that about it and that’s all I have to say for this story
I ‘am going to talk about the Greek myth Hercules. And Hercules was a handsome young man with the talent of a great warrior and he was half immortal but he had one flaw when his mother was afraid that he might get injured she bring him to the foutain of youth to be fully immortal. But she held his heel the part that did not touch the water. Then later on in life when Hercules went to war he had killed sieruses brother and he got furious. And he got so furious he had a poisonous arrow that he used to kill Hercules and the god of archery was guiding the arrow to Hercules heel and that was his down fall. And the moral of that story is never leave a opening for your enemy.
Myths and legends are very interesting, especially when they have beautiful characters, hidden themes, and comedy. What I mean by beautiful characters is by the ladies. What I mean by hidden themes is when the lesson is hard to find out. Also what I mean by comedy is when the people talk and act funny. Some lessons of myths and legends are very much true.
The myth movie I choose was the one when father and son were both stranded in a tower. So one day the father had made a comment saying that there has to be some way to get out of there. After that he told his son to start collecting eagle feathers, he was going to make some “wings”. The wings the father was going to build were made up of wax and feathers. So then the next morning father had told the son to not go to low because the gravity will pull him down but also not to go so high because the suns heat can melt the wax. So on the father jumped off the tower, then the son did to. At first the son didn’t have good control on it but after a while he got a hang of it.
So, on the while the son got a little carried away, he started flying up and down until when he was going up to high the sun melted the wax and down went the son. The father was thinking, “ just how I told him”. The theme of this story was … to listen to some body that really cares about you.
The constellations “The Big Dipper and The Little Dipper” doesn’t always make pictures of bears they make a picture of the Greek myths of Colisto and Arcas. This is what happened in the story, there once was a beautiful Greek woman named Colisto. Colisto was the most beautiful women on earth. Zeus’s wife Hera was jealous of her beauty so Hera went down to earth and turned Colisto into a bear. Colisto was trying to stand up on two feet but she kept on falling down. Colisto wasn’t fit to be a bear she thought that her life was ruined. When Colisto was walking, she spotted her son, Arcas. At first Arcas was scared and he was ready to kill his mother until Zeus came down to earth and yelled,” stop! , This bear is your mother, she was turned into bear by my wife, Hera”. In the end, Zeus turned Arcas into a bear to so he will know that the big bear is his mother, Colisto.
I learned a myth about one of Zeus daughters, Athena. So then this girl who liked to weave, thought that she was better then Athena, and her name was Arakny. So then Arakny thinks she better then Athena. So Athena changed her self in to an old woman. Then went 2 Arakny and told her she can’t be telling other people she better then Athena. So Arakny told the old woman 2 tell Athena to come and do a weaving contest. Then the old woman turned back into Athena and they faced off.
But when Athena was done, her blanket was an olive tree with her father’s face on it holding a lightening bolt. But when Arakny was done she did a silly blanket with Zeus on it. Then Athena put a spell on Aakny, and said, “If you love weaving, then you will do weaving forever.” Athena made Arakny into a spider. That’s because spiders dose the most beautiful webs ever.
There was a father and his son. His son name is Icures. The father and son was stuck on a tower. And his father said that we couldn’t stay here for the rest of the life. So he was thinking that we should make wings to fly to freedom. So he picked up all the wings that are falling from the birds everyday. After he connects them all to make two sets of wings so his son could come with him. So later when his father was done. The father said to the son that u cant fly all the way to the sun before the wings will wax and melt. And u cant go all the way down before the wings get to wet and fall into the water. So after when they left they was flying in the middle. Icures was flying to high the wings got wax and melted and his son fell into the water. His father was sad because his son died ☹. Later after his father got into land and was crying :-‘’(.
Jocileny barbosa
Ms Coleman
210 6b
My myths that I pick is the one with the two brothers and I chose it because I think that is was really important because there were one brother name apmetya and the other brother name is premetyea
And there was the god zuse and he had this girl name Pandora and I liked this one the most because I think that is was a good video and I liked it.
I think that the meaning of this video was for them to tell us what was going on in the past for us to believe what happened in the past and all the video had something to do with each other, all of them had somebody had to die.
Greek myths are really awesome, because you get to see the cruelty people get for disobeying, seeing how the gods act when they are jealous, and seeing why these punishments were giving. The gods did not tolerate disrespect. When gods were jealous they would go down and do something so they weren’t jealous anymore. Seeing why the gods would have did this is good because I learned a lesson. Seeing this helped me.
Gods had reasons to punish people for what they did what was right or wrong. When I saw how zuse did that punishment for stealing it was not know joke. When someone had eager him he would get mad and do something .he used the punishment so that person would never do it again. This is why I do not steal from people at all.
See gods had do things that weren’t even suppose to meant for and because they did that some people lived. When I saw that the queen of gods did something to someone because she was jealous I got mad .if find that she should not punish people because she is cute and the queen of god isn’t. I thought that they were punished for something else bad. She and I that was me I would hunt the queen down should pay the punishment.
When someone does something wrong the gods will see him or her and say he should get punished. Like the first movie a man stole the gods fire and gave to men an god punished him by tying him on a rock. A eagle came and ate his liver everyday . But he survived because his liver grew .maybe he was lucky his punishment was not that bad.
Greek myths are still myths. They are still studying but from here we know a lot .but if I was those people I would never break the rules. And if I was a god I would not punish people on purpose because they are mad.
Zeus is the god of the god no one and anyone can beat the god Zeus. if any one thing they better him will be kill. Herucles was a great warrior when his mother was afraid that he might get injured she bring him to the water of youth. and she put him in the water But she held his heel the part that did not touch the water. Hercules went to war he had killed a man that killed his best friend and he got mad. a poisonous arrow that he used to kill Hercules and the god of archery was guiding the arrow to Hercules heel and that was his down fall. And the moral of that story is never leave a opening for your enemy
Myths are excited to read because they show you a reason that you didn’t knew before, Myths are excited to read because they have been told for many and many of years and is good to hear a story that maybe your whole family have read or heard about it, and also myths are excited to read because you would enjoy them and learn a lesson.
My favorite myths that I read were about Permitheus. Permitheus is a god his name means think before do something or an act. But in the other hand his brother name is called epermitheus his name means that you don’t think before you do something or an act. I choose these myths because it shows a lesson that I think many people around the world. The myths that I choose was about Permitheus brother got all the fur from the animals to make a toy or something like that I really don’t ember. But the mistake of that was that the people would need something to keep them warm ober the winter. So Permitheus had to think of an idea or something to keep the people warm. So he diside to steal fire from the god Zeus witch was a wrong mistake. When Zeus found out that he had stole the fire he got people to get him and when they got him they put him roped around a rock. Before Permitheus left he told hi brother to not aspect any gifts from the god but his brother didn’t listen to him. Well the point is that the lesson that this myth shows you is to not steal from no one because that would bring you some bad problems
In the times of the Greek world Zeus was working on a mortal. A woman, the first woman to set down into earth of mankind. The woman name was Pandora. She had a touch of beauty, curiosity ect. Zeus sent her down to earth with one of his helpers. He gave his helpers a small painted box telling Pandora not to ever open the box. Pandora met Epimetheus and they agreed to get married. One day Pandora was staring at the box that Zeus gave her. She was to curious she wanted to open the box to see what was inside, although she remembered that Zeus told her not to open it. She said to herself that one little peek wouldn’t hurt so she opened it. A swarm of evil, disease and jealousy came out the box and flew into the air she was so startled so she closed the box quickly and hoped that nothing evil as that would ever happen again.
I'm going to talk about Ickeres.That he was good at building things that nobody even knew about. That him and his son were stuck in a montain and they didn't know what what to do. So they found some eagle wings. And the his father said to not go to high or to low. The only reason his father said to not go to high because the sun will melt your wings. And to not go to low because the ocean.So then he didn't listen so he went high and then his father was like no come down follow me and the son said that no it is a nice view from up here so the he went higher higher higher higher so then they melted and he fell in to the ocean and that was the last of icker.
Greek myths have so much information that tells a fascinating story especially when it comes to love, the Greek gods, and mortals. Love had a big deal in most myths. Greek gods appear in all Greek myths. Mortals play a major part in Greek myths.
My favorite myth was the one about the Greek and the Trojan’s going to war because of the prince Paris. This all started because of this witch goddess who wasn’t invited to a special wedding. She got an apple that said fairest of them all. Aphrodite, Harrah, and Athena were all fighting for the apple and Zeus said a mortal would be the judge. So he picked Paris and Aphrodite, Harrah as well as Athena bribed Paris. He chose Aphrodite because he didn’t care about Athena and Harrah’s bribe because all he wanted was love. Athena and Harrah were so furious they aimed to get revenge.
Well in the end Aphrodite kept her promise and Paris married the queen of Greek. She fell in love with Paris while her husband the king of Greek was away. The king heard and sent troops to find the queen. It was war for the Greek and Trojan’s.
In the end remember the wedding well the wife had a son. She dipped him in river but forgot to dip the leg she was holding. He killed Paris’s brother in war because Paris’s brother killed the son’s friend. When Paris heard this he went and killed him because he hit the boy’s weak spot (the leg that wasn’t dipped) with the help of Apollo who aimed the arrow. That is the tale of this Greek myth.
Zeus was looking for things for his humans could live like faders and fear but his brother wasted all of them so he went to his brother and he said who was a god and stool fire from him and went back to his people and told his brother do not take gift from there other brother so the god find out it was him so he was punish the god tide him up in a cliff and the eagle eat his liver. And he did not apologized to the god so Zeus staid there for one hundredths years.
Greek myths do have a lot of meaning, and the Greek story that I chose was the weaving contest. I chose this story, because I thought that the message in this story was very powerful. A woman was able to weave some beautiful tapestry. One of the goddesses was also able to do the same. One day the Aracnia was doing so well she started bragging about how nice her waving was and how no one could ever match the beauty of them. As soon as the goddess heard Aracnia she went down to earth. The goddess challenged Aracnia to a weaving contest. The goddess created a beautiful picture of an olive tree with a symbol of her father throwing a lightning bolt. Aracnia did a picture mucking Zeus. Which made the goddess very angry with Aracnia and turned her into a spider.
This teaches a lesson that even though you are really good at something you should never brag about it.
A Greek god I can pick would be Pandora. I picked Pandora because she has many genes from some of the gods. A connection I have from her is curiosity. I am always curious to open something I’m not supposed to. Just like Pandora, her father Zeus gave her a box. She wasn’t supposed to because it had something secret. When she opened it she let out all of the bad things that were in it.
In the box there were bad sprits. There were about 4 sprits for the mortals. The sprits are cruelty, evil, rude, nasty, and ghosts. But when she opened it she made other people suffer and pay for her mistake for opening the box.
No one knows if Greek myths are true or not. Some people believe in the story’s and other people don’t. There was a goddess name Afena. The gods was respected. She was able to change into many things. She was Zeus daughter, and she also was the best weaver ever. Afena was a known grate warrior. A human kept saying she was better then the gods and Afena face her. The goddesses change the girl into a spider.
The lesson is that don’t disrespect other people. I think this is the lesson because the god was being disrespect and she punish the human. When you disrespect people bad things can happen to you. So the lesson is to have respect. This is why I think the lesson is to not disrespect other people.
One of the old inscription/myths are when the Gods had made an appealing woman who they say was a gift to the human race. So they say that before they could put her on earth or give her to the humans they had to make her perfect. So every god had gave her a characteristic. And Zeus gave her curiousity. And them sent her down to earth to marry Athomethious but earlier in this story his brother told him never to take gifts from the god and along with Pandora the god sent a box and he took it and the god said never to open it. But the next day Pandora had opened the box and it released all evil into the world.
There was a man named Orion, he adored himself and thought he was very powerful. He was walking in the forest when he met Artemis; she was a goddess and a daughter of Zeus. They began to talk and they became a hunting team. Her brother Apollo despised the thought of his sister being with Orion, one day he heard him say “ I am not afraid of any animals, I could destroy them all.” Apollo told Gaia, goddess of earth, about what Orion said and she was angry. Gaia sent a scorpion after Orion and he was dreadfully scared.
Apollo soon realized that the scorpion had chased Orion out into the water and he might just have had a chance to get away. He told his sister that he bets she can’t shoot the black thing in the water with her bow and arrow, she tried and she succeeded, Artemis soon found out it was Orion she hit. After he was dead that they put him in the sky and he was a part of the constellation.
I think the lesson is thinking before you act. Artemis didn’t know it was Orion in the sea but I believe that she should have thought about what she was doing. This Greek myth is interesting because it related to us now, if someone thinks they are more powerful them the other they begin to battle it out.
There was once was a man named Orian . he was the greatest hunter soon he found a goddess. Now they had been a team by killing animals. When the goddess went 2 see her brother he didn’t approve of her hanging with orian .Even though. Her brother had sent a scorpion to kill him.Orian had ran from the beast .He was really scared he had ran on the ocean. the goddess had killed orian by accident because she thought he was a spick in the ocean.
Greek myths
My best part about the show was when Zeus give pure a jobs to do better snuff. When I was watching it the god all way do bad thing the people in one of the charter Zeus tuner the people into bear and put them in the sky.
Everyone that died they put them in the sky because they hate them. there was once a girl name Aracin. aracni a really good weaver and thought she was better the althina.
one day aracni say the she want to be in a contest with the best weaver in the word and she did but she did not win. why? because the best wever in the word ture her in to a spider.
The wings the father was going to build were made up of wax and feathers. On the father jumped off the tower, then the son did to. At first the son did not have a good control on it but after a while he got a hang of it. The son did not lesson to what he and he died.
It was sad because is son was nice but he could have lesson. after that alithia knew she had to punish arani for her disrespect and she aranic into a spider so she could weaver for all eternity people.
One of my favorite myth is the one when Ikoice AND Dechoice because i learned a lesson. The lesson I learned is that you should listen to what people say. Ikoice doest listen to what people say. He doesn't think about what he does before he does it. and dechoice is the one who think before he does something. And if you tell him not to do something than he doesnt do it. The lesson I learned is that you should follow direction because the people who tell you not to do that they are proably telling you what is best for you. This is the lesson that I learned.
Greek Myths! Pandora was smart, beautiful. Pandora was a new god. She was also Zeus daughter. Zeus was the most powerful god. Pandora new to being god, so some thing s were new to her. Pandora was an amazing, new, greek god.
Pandora father gave her a box and said “NEVER OPEN THE BOX”. Pandora went to land. But what Pandora didn’t know was that inside the box it wasn’t a gift. It was evil, gross, nasty, rude ghost.
She ended up getting married one day. Zues didn’t like the man she married because he never thought things through .One day, he husband left, and she decide to open the box. OH,NO!!! Every thing came flying out the box. But she closed the book fast.
The myth of the story is that you should always listen to people. Also that some people just don’t listen.
Greek myths
Today what I learned about Greek myths was that there would always be a king, prince, and queen. Another tithing that I learned was that there was a prince and three queens and the queens gave one of the princes a golden apple. Another thing that I learned was when
Hercules was a baby his mother dipped his whole body in a lake instead his headfirst and his mother was still holding his ankle. Another myth that I learn about was that the Trojan War was really different because it was a real war and one of the kings lost a lot of there people
The Greek myths
My favorite part of the stories was the one that had Arian in it and the girl, Atriums that became like his soul mate. One day it was warm and Arian was wandering the forest hunting and singing a song. The song was pretty catchy! It rhymed, along the way a girl that was daughter of the Zeus and Leto. The twin sister of Apollo.
She was the Hellenic goodness of the forests, and hills, childbirth, virginity, fertility. She was a hunter. She said even gods get lonely. Then I think the gods heard her and gave her a hunting peer. Arian told her there is nothing he is scared about in that forest even though he wasn’t a god.
She trusted him and they went hunting. Then as soon as her twin brother head of this nonsense he did some thing to stop it. He called the god of nature and she got devastated and she sent a big scorpion to kill him. Arian went in the water tiring to loose him. Then Apollo went to his sister and said I bet you can’t hit that black spot right there. Yes I can. She hit the arrow! Apollo was directing it but she didn’t know. It hit Arian right in the back. When she found out she killed him she sent him to haven. Along with the scorpion. The scorpion will always follow Arian but he will never catch up to Arian
Greek Myths
Geek Myths had some many stories, I think the all had a special meaning. So what I am going to do is pick a story and write about it in this essay. I am going to tell you what I believe the meaning is or lesson and also talk about this Myth. I am also going to explain why I think this is the meaning with details on why. Know lets get started on the essay.
This is I saw was about a mother named Cassie and a daughter named Andromeda which own a castle and are like the most beautiful people. So the mother Cassie says aloud we are so beautiful and the are the most beautiful person in this whole world. But then the daughter tells the mom not to say that because the other gods and mortals could hear it but she still did, then the sea god heard her he sent this sea creature to go destroy her castle and villages. The sea creature set have and started destroying and wrecking the towns. The father of andromeda wanted this stuff to stop so he set of to ask for help the only was to stop it was to sacrifice his daughter, which he did. But then a guy came a saw the beautiful girl just dangling over the water and decided to help her. Then he had something that could kill the creature so he killed the creature an then thought every thing was over. Then mother wanted him dead so hired people to kill him thy tried but he died to and so did the mother and father. That is the story.
The meaning of this story or lesson is don’t think that your better than somebody else. Look were it got the mother for just saying that one thing the sea god tried to kill them. Also just because you think you beautiful doesn’t mean you better than other people. So basically what the message is think before you say and don’t thank your better than somebody else. It may be even though you’re so rich and powerful don’t over due the situation because something could happen in result.
I think this is the meaning because look at the result into witch happened. Don’t think your better than other people because look what happened. The daughter almost died. The sea god sent a sea creature to kill the castle and the people. The mother and father died. Then lastly the castle kind of got destroyed.
This is what is what happened into the result of this story. I explained what happened and why I picked this as the meaning of the story.
Greek Myths
Geek Myths had some many stories, I think the all had a special meaning. So what I am going to do is pick a story and write about it in this essay. I am going to tell you what I believe the meaning is or lesson and also talk about this Myth. I am also going to explain why I think this is the meaning with details on why. Know lets get started on the essay.
This is I saw was about a mother named Cassie and a daughter named Andromeda which own a castle and are like the most beautiful people. So the mother Cassie says aloud we are so beautiful and the are the most beautiful person in this whole world. But then the daughter tells the mom not to say that because the other gods and mortals could hear it but she still did, then the sea god heard her he sent this sea creature to go destroy her castle and villages. The sea creature set have and started destroying and wrecking the towns. The father of andromeda wanted this stuff to stop so he set of to ask for help the only was to stop it was to sacrifice his daughter, which he did. But then a guy came a saw the beautiful girl just dangling over the water and decided to help her. Then he had something that could kill the creature so he killed the creature an then thought every thing was over. Then mother wanted him dead so hired people to kill him thy tried but he died to and so did the mother and father. That is the story.
The meaning of this story or lesson is don’t think that your better than somebody else. Look were it got the mother for just saying that one thing the sea god tried to kill them. Also just because you think you beautiful doesn’t mean you better than other people. So basically what the message is think before you say and don’t thank your better than somebody else. It may be even though you’re so rich and powerful don’t over due the situation because something could happen in result.
I think this is the meaning because look at the result into witch happened. Don’t think your better than other people because look what happened. The daughter almost died. The sea god sent a sea creature to kill the castle and the people. The mother and father died. Then lastly the castle kind of got destroyed.
This is what is what happened into the result of this story. I explained what happened and why I picked this as the meaning of the story.
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