Yesterday we learned about 4 forms of ancient Greek government (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy, which form of government would you like to have been part of? Why?
Monarchy: Community ruled by the King and his heirs.
Oligarchy: Community ruled by the wealthy.
Tyranny: Community is ruled by a military tyrant that is supported by many.
Democracy: Community members vote on the rules that govern them.
Friday, June 4, 2010
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I would like to live in Democracy because I believe they have class. What I mean by class is that they go by there own rules and they let their people decide what they want as a community. Their the only ones that are classic because they choose what the people choose. They don’t refuse against the community and their decision.
They pay attention to their community. They know how to respect their community and themselves. They sacrifice the chances and choices that the community makes. Although sometimes they make mistakes. They always fix it.
Democracy doesn’t treat their community like their nothing.(for example like the WEALTHY)
They share their findings and wealth with their inside community. When Democracy have a plan they say it to their people before doing it so they can make sure it’s a hit. When the community have a plan for their city they help build it up. This is why I chose Democracy because they are FAIR.
I would want to be part of tyranny because tyranny listens to what the people have to say. Tyranny is when the people that supported the government or army would choose and I would like to help choose and make the decisions. I would like to be in the form of government tyranny because I wouldn’t want to have to do something I didn’t want to do and I would like to vote on what were doing. Last I would like to be in the form of government tyranny because the government isn’t selfish and cares about his supporter’s thoughts.
I choose tyranny because the king isn’t selfish. I choose this form of government because the government lets his supporters choose. I choose tyranny because the king cares about others. I choose tyranny because you can be happy with the decisions because you were part of the decision. I choose tyranny because it matters about the supporters and what the supporters think.
In conclusion I choose Tyranny for many reasons. One of the reasons I choose Tyranny is because the king cares about others. I choose tyranny because I get to help make the decision. I choose tyranny because I wouldn’t have to do something I didn’t want to do. This are some of the reason why I choose Tyranny
Jocileny barbosa
Ms Coleman
The Greece government that I will like to live under is monarchy because I think monarchy is a king and he rules people. I will live under monarchy because if the king dies the king’s son gets to take over and it just keeps going on in the family. One thing that there is a problem with the king is that if you protectors are not looking over you some body could come and kill the king. I think it is very important to be one of the government because you could do what ever you want and you could tell people what to do and you could tell them to get you stuff feed you. I think by being monarchy is very important to me because monarchy you get to pick to do what you want if you don’t want to give the people what you have that is ok because the monarchy get to pick who he wants to share stuff with he gets to pick who he wants to come see his big house. I think being one of the government is so much fun because you get to do what ever you want you get to tell people what to do you get to rule them until you die.
I think monarchy is better than all of the other government because it runs in your family so somebody will always be the monarchy. I like monarchy because the people don’t rule me I rule the people and the people don’t vote for me I don’t need no body to vote for me and I really don’t need any body to supported me I all ready have my family and my protectors I also don’t need no “wealthy rules” because get to rule who ever I want and that is why I will go with “monarchy”.
Name: Aniyah hill
Subject: Humanities
Date: 5/4/2010
Which form of government would you like to be part of?
I would like to be part of is the Democracy. The reason why is because I’m generous. Also because I’m not selfish. That’s another reason why. My last reason why is because you want people to be nice to you so be nice to others.
I would also be part of that government because would you know it would be the right thing to do. My seconded reason is because if it weren’t for them you would not be in charge. The third reason why is because you listen to the people. The last reason why is because you need the people.
Today we talked about the government I want to be part of. I want to be part of democracy group. The reason why is because you need to have voters. Another reason why is because you need to be fair. That is why I would like to be part of that group.
Sincerely: Aniyah
Kyreece Dixon
210 6b
June, 4,10
If I had to choose a government I would pick tyranny. The reason why I would pick tyranny because that would mean that I would have all the power. Another reason why I would pick tyranny because I would be royalty and I will have a lot of peasants around doing every thing for me. The next reason why I would pick tyranny because I would be the best person in the world. A reason why I would be the best is because that would mean that I would be royalty and everybody would respect me and I could what ever I want because I would the king of the world.
One reason why I would want to be in tyranny is because I would be the best person in the world and I would be the richest person of all Greek gods they would have to call me king Dixon.
TYRANNY Which form of government would you like to be part of ? why? I will like to be part of tyranny. Because I like to vote which government I will like to be in. An I like to vote a lot. So I think that I rather be in tyranny. I like to support my people just the same way they support me. Tyranny is a fair place because. It like saying that we take care of each other. But we all stay in one place. An if we have to fight for things then we are going to fight for it. We don’t get along with monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy. Why would I like to be in the group? Tyranny likes to vote on things. And who ever got chose got to be the leader. the entire group. Tyranny got to defend there self. Like if there was a problem they will have to defend there self.
TYRANNY Which form of government would you like to be part of ? why? I will like to be part of tyranny. Because I like to vote which government I will like to be in. An I like to vote a lot. So I think that I rather be in tyranny. I like to support my people just the same way they support me. Tyranny is a fair place because. It like saying that we take care of each other. But we all stay in one place. An if we have to fight for things then we are going to fight for it. We don’t get along with monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy. Why would I like to be in the group? Tyranny likes to vote on things. And who ever got chose got to be the leader. the entire group. Tyranny got to defend there self. Like if there was a problem they will have to defend there self.
TYRANNY Which form of government would you like to be part of ? why? I will like to be part of tyranny. Because I like to vote which government I will like to be in. An I like to vote a lot. So I think that I rather be in tyranny. I like to support my people just the same way they support me. Tyranny is a fair place because. It like saying that we take care of each other. But we all stay in one place. An if we have to fight for things then we are going to fight for it. We don’t get along with monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy. Why would I like to be in the group? Tyranny likes to vote on things. And who ever got chose got to be the leader. the entire group. Tyranny got to defend there self. Like if there was a problem they will have to defend there self.
I would like to be part of Democracy because the people get to vote on what they want. So who ever you choose to be your leader or song in our case, the majority that chooses that wins because that has the most votes. And their wishes are granted because more voted bedrock. The more people the more votes.
Also I chose it because everyone gets to vote because it’s a free world. Everyone is free to vote for, who they want to be their leader. And no one is judging you on who you choose to be your leader. Nobody is mad at you on what you chose because everyone has their reason n why they chose their leader. So its fair whether you like your leader or not.
The reason I also chose democracy because women are now allowed to vote on who they want to be their leader because back then us women were not allowed to vote for who we wanted to be our leader. Women now have their rights to vote. And the communities long ago felt the women didn’t need to have a say in anything. So that’s why I choose the democracy community to be apart of.
All the form of the government is awesome like Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy. It’s hard to choose one, so I pick Monarchy. I think it has to do with being a king. Being a king is a big responsibility.
My teacher picks a few students to show an example. It started out as the king then she got killed. Now, the prince is the king now. Tyranny is like king but monarchy is the best.
That’s why I like Monarchy because I want to rule the city-state. Also if I was a king I would let my son be the king when I die so It will keep going for my generation.
I would like to be a part of the monarchy government because the ruler will have to be in my family, I can have a say on what happens in the city-state, and I might become the throne holder in the future. The king could be my relative so that he can consult with the family on any political matters he is having trouble with. The best part about being in the monarchy government is that I might eventually be the ruler of the city-state. I don’t favor the idea of being in the democracy government because I am different and I probably wont agree with the most of the other town’s people.
If I was ruler and there was no one else in my family to take the throne I would prefer if one of my best friends took over. Those people would be Sasha or Tabrina because I trust them. Monarchy is a family business. The throne gets passed down generation to generation after the ruler dies, until there are no more heirs to the throne. Which then means that the last ruler’s closest acquaintance will become king.
The idea of being ruled by other people that will make selfish rules is sickening. To be in the tyranny government is odd because the supports tell the ruler what to do. The oligarchy means that the power to make decisions is in the hands of the wealthy people. I don’t favor those ideas because the supports have more control over the king/Queen, and not everyone is rich. I would prefer to be a part of the monarchy government so that the throne stays in my family.
All the form of the government is awesome like Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy. It’s hard to choose one, so I pick Monarchy. I think it has to do with being a king. Being a king is a big responsibility.
My teacher picks a few students to show an example. It started out as the king then she got killed. Now, the prince is the king now. Tyranny is like king but monarchy is the best.
That’s why I like Monarchy because I want to rule the city-state. Also if I was a king I would let my son be the king when I die so It will keep going for my generation.
The greek had there own separated land and they had there own government there were 4 different forms of ancient Greek government (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy, the land that I would like to live in is Democracy. Because that they let the people vort
he term democracy first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought. The philosopher Plato contrasted democracy, the system of "rule by the governed", with the alternative systems of monarchy (rule by one individual), oligarch (rule by a small élite class) and timocracy (ruling class of property owners).[ Although Athenian democracy is today considered by many to have been a form of direct democracy, originally it had two distinguishing features: firstly the allotment (selection by lot) of ordinary citizens to government offices and courts,[ and secondarily the assembly of all the citizens.
All citizens were eligible to s
peak and vote in the Assembly, which set the laws of the city-state. However, the Athenian citizenship was only for males born from a father who was citizen and who had been doing their "military service" between 18 and 20 years old; this excluded women slaves, foreigners (μέτοικοι / metoikoi) and males under 20 years old. Of the 250,000 inhabitants only some 30,000 on average were citizens. Of those 30,000 perhaps 5,000 might regularly attend one or more meetings of the popular Assembly. Most of the officers and magistrates of Athenian government were allotted; only the generals (strategoi) and a few other officers were elected.
u suck
The greek had there own separated land and they had there own government there were 4 different forms of ancient Greek government (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy, the land that I would like to live in is Democracy. Because that they let the people vort
he term democracy first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought. The philosopher Plato contrasted democracy, the system of "rule by the governed", with the alternative systems of monarchy (rule by one individual), oligarch (rule by a small élite class) and timocracy (ruling class of property owners).[ Although Athenian democracy is today considered by many to have been a form of direct democracy, originally it had two distinguishing features: firstly the allotment (selection by lot) of ordinary citizens to government offices and courts,[ and secondarily the assembly of all the citizens.
All citizens were eligible to s
peak and vote in the Assembly, which set the laws of the city-state. However, the Athenian citizenship was only for males born from a father who was citizen and who had been doing their "military service" between 18 and 20 years old; this excluded women slaves, foreigners (μέτοικοι / metoikoi) and males under 20 years old. Of the 250,000 inhabitants only some 30,000 on average were citizens. Of those 30,000 perhaps 5,000 might regularly attend one or more meetings of the popular Assembly. Most of the officers and magistrates of Athenian government were allotted; only the generals (strategoi) and a few other officers were elected.
The Greek government I would like to be part of is democracy because everyone gets to vote and it’s fair. I would like to live in a community where all citizens share power. Monarchy, oligarchy and tyranny didn’t survive only democracy did. Monarchy had one person inherit the throne by family and oligarchy had only wealthy people make the rules. Tyranny lost power because the people forced them out of power. In democracy they all decided on rules.
Everyone makes decisions in a way that will let everyone decide on something. Not all Greeks believed democracy was the best choice for Greek government. Most city-states returned to having dictatorship and oligarchies. The idea of ruling yourself is better because no one likes to be told what to do. Democracy is the best choice for Greek government.
We use democracy today and sometimes you don’t notice it. Everyone is treated fairly and can give a choice (majority of the vote). People like being listened to and being treated with respect. Democracy lets people get together and speak what’s on their minds. Everyone gets treated like a genius when they decide on a great idea.
I the government that I would like to be a part of is the Democracy government. I picked democracy because I think that if people was able to choose then its like who does better things. And also democracy you wouldn’t have to be rich or a king because it’s who the public decides to vote and I think that it’s fair for this to happen.
One of the reasons why I picked democracy is because I don’t think to be a government you should have to be rich or a king. I think this what happens if you weren’t rich and a king and you had government qualities or were government material. Than you wouldn’t be able to be a government. Then lastly if you were a king you’re probably not going to give your throne up because it goes to the next in the family throne.
The last reason why I picked democracy is because I think that democracy is the most fairest government choice. Why because one you don’t have to be rich or a king it depends on the public’s opinion and why they think you should. Then also because democracy is what I think is the most fair and people who like or agree on the government will be fair to people and they wont be upset or something for not being to win or what ever to be government.
The form of government that I would choose to go to is Democracy. I would choose to go to Democracy because it is by the votes. And I think that voting is the best solution that you can do so people don’t fight or argue. You also get to live in a community. And once you live in a community then you get along with others.
Democracy is the best, because people vote for representatives who decides every for their community. Once people talk with their community members they can probably change their community members minds about their votes, and type of government. Some people like different types of government. And my opinion is that people shouldn’t get mad over someone else’s choice because they didn’t pick the choice that a person wanted.
That is why I would choose Democracy as my type of government. Because Democracy is very nice and Democracy isn’t that selfish. They use votes to choose their answer. Which is probably the best solution. I definetly wouldn’t choose Monarchy because there is a high possibility that I wouldn’t be part of the king or queen’s family. I wouldn’t choose Oligarchy because if I’m in debt or poor then I wouldn’t be apart of Oligarchy because it is only the wealthy people. So I would either fall into Tyranny or Democracy. Tyranny is similar to Democracy but if you vote and loose you get nothing. Which is why I chose Democracy. Because if you lose you still get something.
The form of government that I would choose to go to is Democracy. I would choose to go to Democracy because it is by the votes. And I think that voting is the best solution that you can do so people don’t fight or argue. You also get to live in a community. And once you live in a community then you get along with others.
Democracy is the best, because people vote for representatives who decides every for their community. Once people talk with their community members they can probably change their community members minds about their votes, and type of government. Some people like different types of government. And my opinion is that people shouldn’t get mad over someone else’s choice because they didn’t pick the choice that a person wanted.
That is why I would choose Democracy as my type of government. Because Democracy is very nice and Democracy isn’t that selfish. They use votes to choose their answer. Which is probably the best solution. I definetly wouldn’t choose Monarchy because there is a high possibility that I wouldn’t be part of the king or queen’s family. I wouldn’t choose Oligarchy because if I’m in debt or poor then I wouldn’t be apart of Oligarchy because it is only the wealthy people. So I would either fall into Tyranny or Democracy. Tyranny is similar to Democracy but if you vote and loose you get nothing. Which is why I chose Democracy. Because if you lose you still get something.
I’d rather be in Democracy because I’d be able to vote on what I want to do. There is I wouldn’t like is when the people who couldn’t vote is angry or lose their vote. Instead I would like to win. I’d think most of my whole class will to Democracy because we would like do something you want or need.
When someone doesn’t like the ruling something wrong will happen. There can be a big fight or an undecided group. Some people will think its unfair and someone can vote twice with no one looking. Plus majority rules is usually unfair because it can be an event that no one wants to do. A big problem that can happen it’s a riot.
I would love to win a vote because it’ll be some event that I would love to do with anyone. But it’ll be sad see people who don’t get to do what they wanted to do. Democracy will be easier to win at something you want!!
The Greek government I would like to be part of is democracy because everyone gets to vote and it’s fair. I would like to live in a community where all citizens share power. Monarchy, oligarchy and tyranny didn’t survive only democracy did. Monarchy had one person inherit the throne by family and oligarchy had only wealthy people make the rules. Tyranny lost power because the people forced them out of power. In democracy they all decided on rules.
Everyone makes decisions in a way that will let everyone decide on something. Not all Greeks believed democracy was the best choice for Greek government. Most city-states returned to having dictatorship and oligarchies. The idea of ruling yourself is better because no one likes to be told what to do. Democracy is the best choice for Greek government.
We use democracy today and sometimes you don’t notice it. Everyone is treated fairly and can give a choice (majority of the vote). People like being listened to and being treated with respect. Democracy lets people get together and speak what’s on their minds. Everyone gets treated like a genius when they decide on a great idea.
Today Mrs.Colmen introduced us to four types of government. Three of them were quite unfair, those being Tyranny, Monarchy, and Oligarchy. Tyranny is unfair because the power is held in only the hands of the people who supported to Tyrant. While Monarchy is unfair due to the fact that the power to rule is only passed down in a family, sort of like kings, princes, and that sorts of stuff. But, Oligarchy is unfair because the power is held by a group of rich men, and normally they decided to make laws that only made themselves richer and the poor poorer. But, the final form of government is the fairest. It is called a democracy and the power is given to citizens equally. I would like to live in a democracy.
I would like to live in a democracy because I would help make decisions instead of someone else who has nothing to do with the effects of passing or denying this law. However, since I m a girl the government wouldn’t really matter to since I wouldn’t be able to vote in ancient Greece anyway. Nonetheless, the men who could vote would vote on good laws for the poor and middle class. Unlike the other government kinds that have very unfair rules for the poor.
The best thing though about democracy is that the majority will always win. On top of that everyone’s equal, each vote is only worth one vote. On top of that there were no unfair rulers that forced poor farmers to sell themselves into slavery to pay off their debts. Democracy by far is the fairest one possible.
Which form of government I would like to be a part of is democracy. Democracy is a group of people from the entire community vote to see which candidate has more votes and can become the leader. The U.S as a community votes for a leader out of a bunch of candidates. So I love the way this countries way of group.
The reason I picked democracy is because I wish to, continue to vote for my leader who I can trust and know will do great things for the rest of the citizens. If we continue to follow democracy this world will become a better place for everyone to live. I hope soon the killing and the violence will stop in the future.
The reason pick tyranny is because, well who wants to be threatened to make someone who don’t even know any thing about the ruler of the village. The reason why I didn’t pick oligarchy is because they wanted more than one person in power. I think that’s as similar as having a king because then other smart people with good ideas would not be able to become a leader one day. I also did not pick monarchy is for the same reason, because only that persons family can become a leader.
I would rather be in the Democracy group. I say that because you wouldn’t have to be all-alone. I would like that because I'm “sometimes” fair. For example we were listening to music I might let you choose. And if I were in a good mood I would let you listen to it.
I would also like to be in Democracy because you are very rich. I’m not really poor. But I'm not rich either. I would defiantly not give away free money. But I would donate some for my environment. I would donate money because I live in that environment to and I would not like it to be a messy on either.
I also want to be in that group because I will not be the only person in charge. That way I wont get in trouble for the bad things that happen. And I wont always have to be working. They say its ok to take brakes when you are working. I say that because they will tell me to fix all of their problems if I was the only one that was ruling. That’s why I want to be in democracy.
If I could choose I would be in Democracy group. I chose this because the voters have control over what’s going to happen. In the other three groups their rules seemed unfair, so I think that Democracy is the most planned out group of all 4 groups. The leaders in the other groups were rude and really didn’t care about what we wanted, even though we’re the ones who put them in power. That makes a lot more sense then not being able to do anything that you want to do at all.
Democracy has a lot to do with the voters and the people who put the leaders in power. When we were listening to the music at “leader” stopped it, which made everyone angry and loud. Plus some leaders were only in power because of their family, not because they were good leaders. That’s a really bad thing to have happen because even if the next leader were mean and unfair, you would still have to listen to them.
The fairest group is Democracy and that’s why I chose it. We got to listen to the music for the rest of the afternoon. That was fairer, because the leader gave us what we wanted. This made us (the voters) very happy and if that leader were to run for office again we would vote for them.
June 4,2010
The government I would like to be apart of is democracy. I would like to be apart of democracy because, democracy gave us a choice to listen to a certain song. Then if I went to an other Greek government like oligarchy t would be able to listen to any music at all. I say this because; oligarchy’s government is different from democracy. They are different because, in oligarchy only the wealthy people got to listen to the music. And we weren’t allowed to listen to the music. Mostly wealthy people rule the whole community. But democracy is fairer.
I would also like to be apart of democracy because, everything is fair. I would like to be in a fair community instead of an unfair community. Like maybe we are having a meal and no one tells me about it that UN fair. It would be unfair because, then they have all the food and I don’t have any food at all that unfair. But democracy would be fair. If they took a vote on who does arts. There might be two people. Then they say both peoples name then who ever got the most votes wins. Then that would be fair.
I would like to be apart of democracy is because, I can trust them. I say this because; I would like to have someone run the community smoothly. I would want someone to be fair and caring. Also if there’s a problem they are able to figure it out, with out fighting. And all of these things are in democracy. I would also like to be in democracy because; it feels like a great place to be apart of. And how I would have a great life in democracy community.
The government that I would like to be apart of is Democracy. I would like to be apart of Democracy because the people vote. I have 2 reasons why I would like to be in the Democracy group. I like how they let the people vote and the people who are not in the group, don’t vote. That is why I want to be in that group.
My first reason is because we ( the people ) vote on the rules we want to have. The rules that we are the one that we like and we support the rule. Also, the Democracy group, doesn’t really have a King. They rule their self. My second reason is about money. I love money! They money and some times, we need money to support our needs. Also, to be able to get around and help our family, through sickness and health. Those are my 2 reasons why I would like to be in the Democracy group. For my own rules and money to help the community.
Democracy is good fro 2 topics and the other 3 groups are great too. But I want to be in a group that supports my needs for my family and my self. I think this group
( Democracy ), is the best group for my life style and family members. I hope this the Best group for me.
If I had a choice of what kind of government I was in I would chose tyranny .I would chose that form of government because technically the people still chose who their leader is but the leader will sometimes switch up and take advantage of their position in the government. I know it sounds crazy but it s not that different from democracy. We have had presidents that have seemed good for the country while they were campaigning but then are nothing like they promised to be when we were voting. And sometimes in democracy the two people running against each other are both people that nobody wants to vote for, but what choice id there? In tyranny the people chose out of people of the military.
Another reason why I would rather be in tyranny is because in their government it is probity more likely for people to become leader. In monarchy only royalty rule and not even the royals spouses. And in oligarchy only the rich rule and benefit from the person who rules. Considering how they chose their leader anyone can become the leader. If I was part of their government I could become leader.
I would like to be in tyranny if I had a choice on government also because I would like to try something new. Today everyone is always complaining about the government and the presidents who they are disappointed in. Think about it, if you really could choose a government to be apart of would you choose the one you were already in? I was just curious.
The form of government I would like to be part of would be the democracy .I would like to be part of the democracy for many reasons. One of the reasons I would like to be part o the democracy because the people can vote and give their suggestions would count. I like that people can vote and give their suggestions because in that way people can give their opinion on what they think is right or wrong. Also everything would be fair and also everyone has a say in it .I would like to be part of the democracy community becaue any freeman could speak in the assembly and vote on a new law or proposal to go to war .I would like to be part of the democracy because all citizens could had share in the ruling power.
I could like to be part of the democracy government because every citizen could had vote on any issue they had .I like that because not only the people that have money or the government but everyone can. Also the people could have vote for representatives who decided issues in their names .The votes were on the hands of voters and supporters. I also like this because for example if I if you voted for a person and I didn’t vote for the same person. Every time that person has to make a choice on something that person would go for the people that voted form them and not for the one that didn’t.
I would like to be part of the democracy because they will pay attention to what their community wants .I so would like to be part of the democracy community because they don’t treat their community like they their nothing unlike the wealthy they only care about themselves and not others. There are all the reasons why I would like to be part of the democracy community .
Back then there were forms of government. These were groups that would choose/vote on something in different ways. Those groups were seen in mostly Greece. These groups were (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy.)
The one I would most likely pick, back then would be Democracy. This one seems more able for me to live in. I will be the king and what ever, and if I want to do something for my community I will make them choose. That just makes it easier for me.
I choose democracy because I would like to live easier. By easier I mean I would not have to worry about people fighting over an activities or event. They would just have to group up and the king (me) would say… for an example (put your hands up for fiction books_ total was 45 hands.)-(Put your hands up for fairy tales.-_ total 38 hands.) There we have it fiction books it is, and that’s how I will handle things around here as a king (me).
The United States is a democracy, so I have to be one too.
Why because everyone can vote, you can also make your own
Decisions and you can work to together. For example I wouldn’t
Want to be a monarchy because I wouldn’t want a king to make
all decisions for the group. Probability the whole class picked
Democracy cause it is the best group out of them all .
Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tranny make their own decisions not letting the people make their own decisions or vote. Right now there are two party you are either a Republican or a democrat. Back then there were even more parties but they have not been used in a long time.
That why is why a picked democracy as my favorite form of
Government. Democracy all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU FOR READING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The government I would like to be apart of is democracy because the people have an equal vote, they are fair, and your voice gets to participate in each with in your community. Having an equal say in your community is very important to me. It’s important because you could make an impact in your community. Democracy is the community that has “the people” in mind with every. I would want to be in a population that cares about my opinion and democracy is that population.
A community that is just and gets your opinion in what’s going on in your community is a good one. This is important because only certainty people make the decisions. This could also escalate into a quandary. Then usually the quandary will turn in into a war and by the end of war half of the population is killed of they left. The best thing to do is to be forthright and listen to your community member’s ideas.
I would want to be apart of the democracy government. His community is just and the way they handle themselves solves many future problems. I would also want to be apart of this community so I could have a less wars as possible. Living in a forthright community leaves most people happier and willing to work together. When everybody is willing to work together you get a better community and you could get better inventions, better food supply, better homes, and thing to make work easer etc.
would I be. I be Democracy Because in
Democracy you share the power with all citizens, All citizens vote
On every issue. If you run government by your self it is going to
Be hard to do. In Democracy people believed democracy was a
Good type of government.
Any person in the democracy could speak in the Assembly. And
Vote on a new law or a proposal to go to war. Any man also ran
The city’s day to day business. And if you make a choose you
Would have help.
Also if you make a law that people do not like. And they try to
Kill you. You have more government to take your spot. That is
Way I pick this form of government. Because of the reason up
I would like to be in the government monarchy because royalty would only be in MY family. It's not like democracy, because the people could choose if they want to change their king if they wanted to.
I wouldn't want to be apart of oligarchy because what if I don't become wealthy. I also wouldn't want to be apart of Tyranny because if they pick the wrong person, that person could change and be the worst Greek king would ever have. Ill stick with monarchy because I would teach my children to be great but superior kings/ queens.
Monarchy would be a great government because if anything were to happen to me my children would be great leaders. If anything were to happen to me or my children I would have my best friends for example Amanda or Tabrina, they would be rulers. Royalty in my family would be paradise. I would trust they both to follow in my footsteps and be rulers of my country. They are trustworthy and loyal.
It would be whom I choose to be in my place. I have two littles sisters. I could pick my little sister Ariyana, but what fun would that be. She could wait until something happens to Amanda and Tabrina. She was the second born. After Ariyana my littler sister Anisya could be queen.
In conclution i would pick monarchy has my chose of government it would be great to just have royalty in my family, because after my mom I would be the next Aire. If anything were to happen to my family I would have Tabrina and Amanda in my place. Lastly I would pick my sisters after Tabrina and Amanda so they could know how it feels to pick up after there messes.
Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.
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